Mobile Veterinary Services for Birds and Fish

PO Box 1274
Taylors, SC, SC 29687


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Poultry/Waterfowl Educational Handouts    Note that handouts written by Dr. Fudge may have a Greenville address. The correct address is the Taylors SC PO Box.

File NameDescription / Comment
2025 Veterinary Services
Avian Disease Fact Sheet
Biosecurity Poultry
Caring for Chickens, Turkeys and Game BirdsExcellent handout by Dr. Scott Ford, Avian Specialist, Milwaukee, WI
Caring for WaterfowlExcellent handout by Dr. Scott Ford, Avian Specialist, currently Milwaukee, WI
Common Bacterial Diseases of Poultry-for owners, to help the understanding of the complexity of the problem in diagnosis, management, prevention and treatment.
Diagnosis of Poultry DiseasesA concise piece by Dr. Aziz at the NCSU Rollins Diagnostic Lab. Advice for veterinarians, but relevant thoughts for backyard flock owners.
Duck Disease-chart
Enrofloxacin Illegal In Poultry
Eye Disorders of Poultry
Factors Affecting Egg Production in Small Flocks
Feeding Ducks
Feeding Poultry
Gapeworm Myths
House Mice and Poultry
Keeping your family healthy with backyard poultry,
Less Common Poultry Ectoparasites
Lice and Mites, PoultryNote that the Sevin (carbaryl) powder is no longer approved for poultry. This handout is 10 years old.
M Mareks A A V
Management of Backyard Poultry
Management Program for Raising Breeder Duck Flocks
Performing a Physical Exam on a Chicken
Predators of Poultry
Pullorom Disease and Typhoid
Raising Waterfowl
Raising Your Own Poultry Flock
Recognizing & Preventing Mareks Disease
Reduce Heat Stress in your Poultry Flockscourtesy of Clemson Poultry Health
Respiratory Diseases of Poultry-there are also some other poultry specific bacteria and viruses not listed.
Risks of Human Diseases from Chickens
Salmonella Infections in Backyard PoultryImportant informative information from the Centers for Disease Control on preventing human infection
Vaccinating Small Flocks
Waterfowl diet, recommendedThey also have starter and breeder. Can be purchased directly from or from listed retailers.
Waterfowl Management
Zoonotic Diseases and Backyard PoultryAbout diseases humans can catch from poultry and some prevention tips.

Mobile Veterinary Services

Birds & Fish
PO Box 1274
Taylors, SC 29687
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